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Jay Glazer Jay Glazer

How A Co-op Board Can Have A Direct Impact on Price

A well-run board can have a direct impact on apartment values. Owning a home in New York City is a privilege; I’m both a cooperative shareholder and a sitting board member. At times this can be tedious and challenging - I’ll be the first to admit that. But as a broker, I’ve learned that a well-run board can often equate to a direct influence on apartment value.

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Jay Glazer Jay Glazer

Understanding Apartment Prices in New York City

As a broker, I often find myself explaining why similar apartments in comparable buildings sell for drastically different prices per square foot. True to many aspects of life in New York City, the explanation is full of nuances.

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Home Buying Jay Glazer Home Buying Jay Glazer

Should I Buy New Construction Real Estate in NYC?

Buyers in New York often come to me with a strong idea of what they’re looking for. They may know what neighborhood they want to live in; they might know how many bedrooms they need and if they want a condo or a coop. But one purchase scenario many clients don’t take the time to consider is whether or not they want new construction/new development. 

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Jay Glazer Jay Glazer

How to Pick A NYC Neighborhood: Things You Need to Consider

The path of least resistance — bridging the gap between apartment wants and neighborhood realities. I’ve had many clients over the years – both those who know the city well, and those less so – who share with me a crystal-clear vision for the type of home they want, but seem much less certain about where they want to live. This often creates a disconnect.

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